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Therapy for Professionals, Medical Providers and Athletes


Constant pressures, expectations and demands to do ever more with less time and fewer resources is a common experience for many health professionals, lawyers and training athletes. We are here to help the helpers too! Therapy services 

We offer therapy for medical students and facility, nurses, physicians, attorneys, and athletes. 

Common concerns we see are issues with work-life balance, relational struggles, problematic coping through behaviors such as addiction, and difficulty implementing self-care given the severity of demands from pursuing stressful careers.  


Perhaps the demand of a global pandemic combined with a stressful career schedule are negatively impacting your emotional or physical health, personal relationships or ability to cope. 


Worries about work, relationships, health and performance can lead to issues with sleep and self care. We may find ourselves seeking comfort through alcohol, food, or experiencing heightened irritability with our partners  or families. Virtual Appointments offered! â€‹

Are you a doctor, psychologist, therapist, nurse, occupational therapist, lawyer, athlete, or medical student experiencing one of the following:

Image by Austin Ban
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